Tag Archives: funny

Crap TV – Fistfights, Bitching and Obesity, Oh My!

I have a confession to make. I sometimes watch shit TV, and truthfully? I really enjoy it. Wife Swap, The Jerry Springer Show, Come Dine with Me and Mary Queen of Shops number amongst my favourites. For a long time I was ashamed of my secret pleasures, I would watch them furtively and with a deeps sense of guilt, as if I were indulging in snuff films or Nazi Memorabilia. But no more. I want to make a stand, and proudly exclaim that I don’t think my life would be as good without them. My Saturday mornings would feel empty and dull if they were not there, and those nights that I can’t sleep would be even more torturous. They are brain fluff, and where would we all be if we didn’t have our stress relief? Hundreds would be dead by my hands if I didn’t have my pressure valves of tea, books and crap television.

I think part of the reason I love them is the arguing, the bitching and ridiculous insults. In real life I’m pretty repressed and constrained, which is of course the Great British tradition. I bite my tongue so often I’m actually amazed any of it is still left. I deal with most confrontations inwardly, which probably explains the IBS, eczema and tension headaches that frequently blight my life. I am unable to express my anger, so I live vicariously through the parade of unstable and probable sociopathic beings that inhabit those types of shows. My friend Maddie and I will watch shows simultaneously and exchange an inordinate amount of text messages about the unfolding events, alternately revelling in the drama and condemning that week’s heel. If there are not enough arguments or bitching in any particular episode I feel personally let down, at least one person has to cry to make it a good watch.

Some shows do take the ‘shit level’ too far. I am proud to say that I have never watched anything with Katie “cunt” Price in it, and shows like the X Factor just make me sad. Is that a double standard? Perhaps, but I would never judge anyone for watching them. Well, out loud at least.

Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy the more intellectual and social pursuits of life. I love a good documentary and spending time with friends and loved ones. It’s just that I like to keep 11pm free to watch enormous Americans throw cake at each other.

Terry Pratchett and His Magical Brain – Snuff

My absolute favourite author is Terry Pratchett. For nearly ten years now I have enjoyed his books, each one delights me in it’s own special way. I must have read each of them a dozen times, yet they never bore me. If you have yet to experience his magical brain I implore you to go out and consume them all as quickly as possible. All of the Discworld books are a mixture of fantasy, satire and morality all served up with a humongous dollop of humour and they are superb.

An Actual picture of Terry Pratchett

His latest offering dropped through my letterbox on Saturday afternoon, and I finished reading it late last night. Usually I can read any new book of his in a day. Unfortunately life had different plans for me, and I was forced to work, fiddle about with some computers and do some of that boring stuff called sleep. But no matter, because I finally finished it last night

Blind Io it was worth it

The title is “Snuff”, and it  concentrated on one of my favourite characters; Sam Vimes. I won’t go into too much detail, as I wouldn’t want to spoil it for anyone, but the plot focuses upon a holiday the great commander is forced to have. He is sent packing to the countryside with his wife and child, young Sam, who is now six and completely enthralled by bodily functions. As Vimes often remarks, where there is a policeman there is crime, and sure enough he quickly becomes aware of something rotten lurking amongst the greenery. We are given an insight into Wilkins, Vimes’ gentlemen’s gentleman, who is not only a remarkable  companion he is also very well versed in the art of killing. I was really pleased to learn more about him, as he has always been a fascinating peripheral character and up until now we have just caught glimpses of his other talents. We also get to know more about goblins, and their mysterious filthy habits. And of course we  once again are graced by the presence of Vetinari, the Machiavellian genius who is the tyrant of Ank-Morpork. I once read that Terry Pratchett has received numerous letters detailing some women’s passion and deep rooted love of Vetinari, which just goes to show the pure persuasiveness and realistic style of his writing. Buy it here

I myself am a little in love with Sam Vimes. Yes, he is a fictional character who is married and in his fifties, but who ever said that the path of love is a smooth one?

And now I want to have a bit of a rant. You see, Sir Terry was diagnosed with a rare form of alzhiemers in 2007 . you may have seen the two television shows he participated in to show his journey of getting the diagnosis and the ways in which he deals with it. He came across as a very lovely and genuine man who is extremely brave. Yet with all that to deal with he is still writing. And here comes the bit that angers me…… In a lot of reviews of his most recent books his illness is mentioned. WHY? He is a fantastic writer, he always has been. Yet some people feel the need to define him by something that he just happens to have. That is an insult to him, he is so much more than that. Yes, you may not like some of his books, you may not like any of them. There are some people who only like his earlier works. Fair enough. But there is no need at all to bring anything other than his talent in to any discussion of his books. Yes I know that is what I am doing here, but I am not judging any of his work on the basis of before vs after his illness. I only judge his work based on his work, nothing more and nothing less. And that is the way it should be.

If I ever get to meet him I can die a happy idiot

A Dead Idiot

Puddle of Piss

Puddle of Piss

It was a warm, sunny early summer Sunday afternoon. I’d had the day off work, so I had spent the last few hours in a pub garden with some friends, and I was looking forward to purchasing a heart valve blocking, very cheesy sandwich from Subways and eating it sprawled out in front of my television. After saying mygoodbyes I wandered out of the pub doors and surveyed the quiet town square in front of me. I like the town I live in, even though it can be a little bitrough and there are a distressing amount of beauty salons dotted around. I was happy and contented on this day, so when I spied a learner of mine over the road standing on a doorstep I gave a jaunty little wave. Possibly in the style of a spunky heroine in a musical, I can’t be sure

I will take a moment to explain a little. I work as a volunteer tutor for adults in a charity near me. Ihave now done it for about two and a half years. When the following events occurred I had been in the role for a little over two months, which goes a way to explain the utter naivety I was still in possession of. The student I hailed with a flick of my wrist was one of the more challenging learners, a woman who greatly dislikes change and will provoke all new members of staff. It’s a hazing of sorts, and I had passed her tests with a mixture of smiling, biscuits and ignoring her. She was now beginning to thaw towards me.

She waved back, and beckoned me over. Acceptance! My heart sang, how lovely. I wandered over to her and said

The lovely sandwich I was looking forward to (not to scale)

“Hello Jane”

“All right” she  responded “What are up to?”

“Well I’m headed home actually, I’m going to have a nice quiet evening. How are you?”

“Come in for a lemonade” She demanded

Well now, what was I supposed to say to that? I’d already let on that I wasn’t busy, and if I pretend that I was meeting someone she would have soon see me walk past alone clutching my sandwich. I was stuck in that terrifying grey area of politeness versus selfish wants

“Well….” I said, stalling

“Come on” She pushed

Okay, what harm could a quick lemonade do? I’m crap at lying, and it’s taken me an age to defrost her. If I had stood there staring at her gormlessly any longer she may have started to get angry, and I really wasn’t in the mood to deal with that.

“Okay” I conceded, and I was quickly ushered in through her front door.

It was a mistake, I knew that as soon as it happened. We passed through a very gloomy hallway, past a room with the door shut  that had faint drunken groans emanating from inside, and into a small kitchen. My trainers instantly became stuck to something dark and sticky that had obviously fallen a good long while before. I stood waiting whilst a VERY large glass of lemonade was poured. Well I say glass, it was more like a vessel of hell. Things, dark and terrible things, were stuck to the sides, and it was greasy to the touch. I decided not to look at it too closely, and just to drink the flat, weird tasting liquid nestled inside as quickly as possible. Jane and I had a discussion about a broken ice cream maker she had purchased some time before, then she stopped, as if struck down by inspiration.

“Wait” she ordered “I think I’ve got something you’d like. I’ll go get it”

As she left the room, an gentleman entered. By my mystical intuition I knew he was drunk. The fact that he stank of booze, was swaying and slurring his words may have helped along my summation.

“Who are you?” He said, seemingly annoyed at my presence

“Rachel” I bravely squeaked at him

“What are you drinking?” He demanded


“Put some vodka in it” He said, whilst brandishing an almost empty bottle at me

“I’m okay thanks” Said I

“Put some vodka in it” He repeated

“I don’t drink”

He sneered at me. The fact that I don’t drink seemed to confirm something to him. I’m guessing it wasn’t something nice. Jane walked back into the room, my saviour

“Lenny, this is Rachel. She helps me on a Sunday. Lenny’s my old man” Jane said by way of introduction.

“Have a look at these” she continued “you can buy them if you want”

She was holding in her hand about five pairs of earrings. They looked nice enough, but I didn’t want them. I also didn’t have any cash on me, which I explained to her. I had drained the glass of lemonade in my hand.

“Freedom!” I thought. I was just about to say that I had to be on my way when there was a crash from down the hallway. The front door slammed open and two men and three women came through. Jane and Lenny are about fifty years old, and most of the new people looked about the same age. Except for one of them. She was a young girl, probably not twenty yet, and she was drunk. Very drunk. She was being hauled through the door by the others.

“What the fuck is she doing here?” Jane asked accusingly of the two women “I don’t want her here”

“She asked” Said the dark haired one of the ladies “and she wouldn’t listen when we said no”

The young girl broke away from the group and staggered up the stairs. Most of the group followed her up, with the exception of the woman with dark hair. Lenny, to my great relief, also followed them. I was getting uncomfortable with him glaring at me, I had the feeling he was wishing death upon me.

“Susie, this is Rachel” said Jane, sounding pretty pissed off

Susie and I shook hands

“Rachel helps me…” Jane’s words were abruptly cut off by the sounds of shouting and banging coming from upstairs. I heard the word shit exclaimed in a highly excited manner

“Jane, quick” Called a voice from upstairs

Jane left the room. I stood smiling at Susie in an awkward manner. She reciprocated .

“Fucking bitch” Jane cried from the top of the stairs. Susie and I both looked concerned, and Susie left the room to see what was occurring. I stayed stuck to the kitchen floor, wondering if It would be possible to leave without detection.

I heard the following events, so I can only guess who some of the ‘speakers’ were;

“What’s going on?” – Susie

“She’s done it again!” – Jane

“Dirty bitch” – One of the men. (I shall name him Bunty)

There were some bangs and miscellaneous swearing, then:

“She’s pissed on the floor. I’m gonna kill ‘er” – Jane

“leave it, leave it” – Bunty

I was gob-smacked. What am I supposed to do? Things were definitely sounding heated, a fight was brewing. I took my phone out of my bag. Should I phone the police? Should I text my long suffering friend Stuart for help? Sadly he has had so many weird calls for help and random requests from me he wouldn’t even question it any more. Before I could do anything there was the sound of someone running down the stairs towards me. Susie came bursting into the room

“ You’ve gotta help. I know you’re Jane’s social worker, you’ve gotta get her out of here. It’s all kicking off up there” Said Susie breathlessly

“What’s going on” I pointlessly asked, as if I hadn’t heard the previous screams that were only 20 feet or so away

“ Leah and Jane hate each other. Leah got pissed and insisted on being brought round ‘ere. That’s the young girl who came in just now. She done a piss in the landing upstairs” Explained Susie

“On purpose?” I enquired

“Probably. She’s done it before. You’ve got to get Jane out of here now. And you’ve gotta sort out somewhere new for her to live. The police are always being called, there’s always fighting going on. It’s not right”

I nodded sagely. Then I thought, hang on – what does she mean I have to get Jane moved? I mentally rewound the conversation and realised that I had been cast as a social worker. For some reason I didn’t feel that I could rectify this error – Susie was looking at me expectantly and I didn’t know what to do. The sounds of arguing and swearing from upstairs were growing louder in volume. So I said what any idiot under pressure would have said

“I’ll write a report then”.

This is how I imagine it looked

I lied. Why did I lie? I rarely lie, I’m not good at it. This time it seemed to work though, as Susie looked relieved. Before I could dig myself in any deeper Jane reappeared. She looked furious, and was still swearing under her breath. The sounds from upstairs were getting louder, and Jane looked ready to kill. What the fuck was I supposed to do now? I really wanted to get out of there, and if Jane didn’t come with me I didn’t know what would happen. So I asked her to leave with me. She said no, that she was “gonna sort this out once and for all”. That sounded ominous, so I said the one thing that I really thought would work-

“let’s go to the pub”

It worked. After an hour and a half in the pub Jane had calmed down. We had a chat about life, and Jane was nice enough to take me into her confidence a little. We parted ways and I headed home.

I never got my sandwich.

Jam Stuff in Cow’s Twats

Chris Morris is another hero of mine. Fearless, hilarious and extremely clever. I love all of the Brass Eye moments, but this particular clip is one of my favourites. Every so often the phrase ‘you don’t even know what electricity is’ will pop into my head and I laugh out loud. This mainly happens to me in public, and it’s a hard one to explain……..

Ross Noble and the Hare Krishna’s

Ross Noble is one of my favourite stand up comedians, and I’m so jealous of his magnificent abilty to improvise on a huge variety of subjects. I’ve added this clip as this is from the first Noble show I saw (unrealtime) and I soon fell in love with him. Hare Krishna

If you’ve never seen Ross Noble GO WATCH HIM NOW, or I’ll get angry

French Taunting

Another fabulous Python clip. The holy Grail is my favourite Python film, and one of my favourite films of all time. Sometimes I quote this clip when alone, and I laugh. Everytime.

Monty Python

This is not a well known Python sketch, but I love it. It’s classic and, to me, has all of the perfect Python ingredients – wordplay, double entendres, physical comedy and complete madness. What a super woody type of phrase…….

Ricky Gervais

I do love Ricky Gervais, and I think he was perfect when he hosted the Golden Globes. It’s a perfect mixture of cringing and hysterical laughter. Enjoy!

I Knew You Couldn’t Resist

  My Cunning Mediocre Plan Worked a Treat

Although I have talked about “Braintree Ways” elsewhere, I wanted to be a bit cheeky and big it up once again. It’s run by a delightful band of insane chimps, bent on world domination and general mischief.

We don’t make a profit with the website, that’s not the point. But unfortunately things cost money: Bananas, video and audio equipment, site costs and full time carers

This is where you come in

Why not have a little cyber wander around our world? Go on, I’ll wait here for you. Just click on the logo below

Welcome back. I know you enjoyed it, I can tell by the look on your face*. If you want to help us to continue to be silly for others amusement then click on the donate button and help us to spread some joy

*Legal Disclaimer I can’t actually see you. There are no hidden cameras in your room, I am not stalking you. I promise

Ha Ha, Your Friend Is Dead

At the tender age of eighteen I started a new job. Up until then all of my jobs had been badly paid work, such as cleaning and cooking in a pub. Nothing to be ashamed of, I hear you cry. And you’d be right, work is work and cleaning a floor or frying an omelette is as important as anything else. Although my omelettes are usually flaccid looking horrors, so that’s not a great example. Anyway, back to the tale. The job I’d started was in a solicitors office, with all of the duties that junior members of staff are usually expected to fulfil. I enjoyed most of the work, my OCD coming in very handy where filing and data inputting is concerned. I was very worried about fitting in to the tightly knit team, so was trying desperately to curb my natural inclination towards idiocy. In the office that I worked was three solicitors. Two were middle aged and one was in his late twenties. It is that man that was the catalyst for this very tale.

It was a sleepy Friday afternoon in January. The sun had already started to set, and I’d spent the last fifteen minutes feeding seemingly endless envelopes through the franking machine. My brain had already shut down for the day, and I had been dreaming about my Friday night ritual of a two hour bath and scoffing a ridiculous amount of chocolate for the past few hours. The office I was in also housed three other members of staff, and we were chatting about this and that. The office door opened onto the main stairwell, so it was common for any other staff members who were walking past to pop their head in and have a natter. On this particular afternoon it was Jake, the young solicitor, who graced us with his presence.

After a couple of minutes of small talk, Jakes face drew into a small, sad frown and he sighed.                                                                                                             “What’s wrong?” We all asked him, our eyes conveying concern and, in my case, sleepiness.                                                                                                                            “My friend died last year, and I’ve been thinking about her today” he said                                                                                                                                                            “Oh god, what happened?” asked Karen, the intimidating head secretary.                                                                                                                                                      “It’s really sad” said Jake, shaking his head “She had a really dangerous job. She was in the police force, and was actually trained in firearms. We all worried about her so much, she’d have to go to riots and gun crime scenes.”                                                                                                                                                               “Was she killed on duty then?” I asked

Now before I tell you the rest of the story, I’d like to take this chance to state that this conversation haunts me, I still feel very bad about what happened. In my defence, what Jake said next sounded like the punch line of a joke and I really like dark humour. I was also young, tired and nervous and I am certain that all of these factors contributed to my bad behaviour.

“Was she killed on duty then?” (I didn’t actually say this twice, I’m repeating it for the sake of cohesion)                                                                                             “No” Jake answered “She fell off a cliff”

I laughed. No one else did.

I continued laughing, the others continued with their judgemental silence.

I knew it was wrong, I tried to cover my tracks. I pointed at my computer, as if there was something there that had tickled me, not the tragic death of a colleagues friend.

Perhaps that ruse would have worked if there hadn’t been a land registry form on the screen.